Alumni Association Board of Directors 2023-2024

The Alumni Association

The Alumni Association was established in 1954 to provide official representation of alumni in matters that affect the general welfare of the University. The Association serves as a link between the university, its alumni, and the greater Los Angeles community. Its primary purposes are to advance the university's interest, to enhance relationships among alumni, faculty, staff, and students, and to strengthen the contributions of alumni to the campus community. These goals are accomplished through many varied, ongoing activities and programs. Membership in the Association is open and free to all former Cal State LA students.

The more than 250,000 Cal State LA graduates remain a vital and active catalyst in the growth of the University. Through involvement in the Alumni Association, graduates keep in contact with each other and assist the University through a network of various affiliate groups. The association also seeks to utilize alumni in a variety of student programs and services on campus.

Our Mission

The mission of the Cal State LA Alumni Association is to foster relationships among alumni, students, and community by providing services and activities that build loyalty, support, and a lifelong connection to the University.

Who We Are

The Board of Directors consists of volunteers who develop central policies and procedures for the Cal State LA Alumni Association.

Alumni Board of Directors


Martin Nava headshot

Martin Nava (’08)



Headshot of Dr. Darlene Finocchiaro

Dr. Darlene Finocchiaro (’83, ’90)
President Elect



Ada Escobar's Headshot

Ada Escobar (’00, '08)
Vice President



Sharon Chase headshot.

Sharon Chase (’83)



Nina Torres' headshot

Nina Torres (’14)



Delaram Ahmadyveasi

Delaram Ahmadyveasi (’19)
Director at Large



Catherine Catherine's headshot.

Catherine Catherine (’00)
Director at Large



Rolando Chavez

Rolando Chavez (’17, '20)
Director at Large



Sandra Flores' headshot

Dr. Sandra Flores (’08, ’12, ’22)
Director at Large




Tania Pagliaretti (’17)
Director at Large



Dr. Kidogo Kennedy

Dr. Kidogo Kennedy ('97, ’00)
Director at Large



Kathy Leal's headshot.

Kathy Leal (’16, ’20)
Director at Large



Headshot of Maida Lopez

Maida Lopez (’03)
Director at Large



Andres Molina's headshot

Andres Molina (’13, ’20)
Director at Large



Dr. Tanea Robinson

 Dr. Tanea Robinson (’01)
Director at Large



Alan Romero

Alan Romero (’03)
Director at Large



Maria Serpas's headshot

Maria Serpas (’20)
Director at Large



Eugenia Tello

Eugenia Tello (’13, ’18)
Director at Large



Photo coming soon

Dr. Alicia Tycer (’11)
Director at Large


Ex. Officio Members


Jeff Poltorak Headshot

Jeff Poltorak
Interim Vice President for University Advancement and Executive Director of the Cal State LA Foundation



Maria Ubago's headshot.

Maria Ubago (’98, ’06)
Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations



Yahir Flores

Yahir Flores
President for Cal State LA Associated Students, Inc.

Alumni Scholarship Committee

The Alumni Scholarship Committee directs the selection process, reviews applications, interviews finalists, and selects awardees. Click here to learn more about the Alumni Scholarship Program and Committee.

For questions, please contact Priscilla Parks, associate director for alumni relations, at [email protected] or (323) 343-6059.

Finance Review Committee

The Finance Review Committee is responsible for general oversight and review of Alumni Association finances, funds, expenditures, revenue, taxes, and investments. For more information, contact Maria Ubago at [email protected] or (323) 343-2586.

Maria Ubago's headshot.

Maria Ubago (’98, ’06)
Associate Vice President
(323) 343-4945
[email protected]



Priscilla Parks' headshot

Priscilla Parks (’20)
Associate Director
(323) 343-6059
[email protected]



Marisol Cruz Final

Marisol Cruz
Assistant Director, Alumni and Student Programs
(323) 343-4980
[email protected]



Sarina Sanchez

Sarina Frontino Sanchez
Administrative Support Coordinator
(323) 343-4978
[email protected]


The Cal State LA Alumni Association is proud to partner with Nationwide Pet Insurance and AMBA to provide exclusive discounts and benefits to our alumni.

If you have any questions about your privacy or the use of your information, please contact the Alumni Association at (323) 343-2586 or [email protected]. Click here to learn more or to opt out of being contacted by our affinity partners (companies we partner with to offer products or services to our alumni).

The University-Student Union building on a sunny day with flowers in the foreground

Contact Us

Cal State LA Alumni Association
5154 State University Drive, U-SU 102
Los Angeles, CA 90032

Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Phone: 323-343-ALUM (2586)
Email: [email protected]